Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Hello again! (and a little giveaway)

GIVEAWAY CLOSED. Congratulations Katherine!

Here we are again, over a month since my last blog post. I could blame myself and the fact that I'm essentially a lazy person, but instead I'm going to blame Instagram :-)

I have actually done quite a bit of sewing and have quite a few things to show but I thought that I'd break myself back in gently with a short post.

Most of you already know that Sew Mama Sew are holding their bi-annual giveaway day/week at the moment. I thought that I'd join in the fun and have my own little giveaway here, after all, I've won a few giveaways in the last few months so it's only right that I give a little back.

So up for grabs I have two generous cut skinny quarters from my vintage Liberty stash and a little stack of 42x5" charm squares cut from my vintage sheet collection (made up of 21 different prints)

I haven't finished cutting them up yet but I wanted to get the picture before the sun went down!,
The charms will be cut from the pillowcase shown.

A closer picture of the Liberty on offer. (for some reason blogger insists on turning the picture upside down!)

What do you need to be in with the chance of winning this little bundle? Leave a comment. Any kind of comment. But if you can't think of anything to say how about sharing what your current vice is? (Mine's vintage sheets - I had a sort out the other night and was quite disgusted with myself when I saw them all together!)

My own little 'vintage mountain'.

I'm not going to actually going to link up with the Sew Mama Sew page as I'm scared that my little blog wouldn't be able to cope with all that attention! I've leave the giveaway open until Saturday nightish (14th December) and then pull a name out of a hat (or some other vessel) and let the winner know via email.

Open internationally.

No reply bloggers need not apply. (not sure what a NRBlogger is? Read this. If in doubt leave your email address in your comment.)



  1. I don't think you should feel bad about your vintage mountain. The fabric is lovely and it's recycling and is very worthy;-) Mine is not a huge vice, but is not doing any housework (at all) when I'm in the middle of making something.

  2. I tend to share a lot more on instagram than on my blog! Lovely giveaway

  3. The UK vintage sheet swap got me addicted to vintage sheets too! I can't go past a charity shop without having a nosy just in case there is some bedding to be bought ;-) Lovely give away thanks for the chance.

  4. vintage sheets are definitely growing on me. I am just waiting for a friend to have a baby girl and then I will be in completely I think! My vice at the moment - entering giveaways at Sew Mama Sew - it takes up too much time and the chances of winning are pretty low! So thanks for your lovely giveaway - I enjoy following you, mainly on Instagram :-)

  5. Hi Catrin. So finally I found your blog after 'meeting' you on Instagram. :-) I don't have any vintage floral sheets as yet although I've been fondly eyeing other people's collections. Totally agree with Catherine, don't feel guilty you are recycling. :-) Lovely giveaway.

  6. My vice is not being able to say 'no' when people offer me fabric, free of charge.

  7. Love your "vintage mountain", my current vice is Hot Tamales, a candy that I am pretty sure you can only get in America, I bought a whole bag of them and sadly after being home for only a week they are almost gone :(

  8. I love your vintage fabrics, and what a generous plan to give some of them away! I'm sure I have more than one vice, especially of the fabric type ;-) It's just too tempting!

  9. Recycling is never a bad thing Catrin, enjoy your vintage sheets you deserve them :)

    I think my current vice is definitely buying fabric without any purpose or plan in mind! Needless to say when I do go to start a new project I never have the right fabric :)

  10. Such pretty liberty fabrics and sheets, thank you for the chance to win. I don't like to think of them as vices but I like chocolate and fabric probably more than necessary.

  11. Aren't those lovely! If it will make you feel better, vintage sheets are one of my "vices" too. Imagine my disappointment in not being able to grow that collection since moving to a big city. How lovely you are to want to share some of your treasures! I will keep my fingers crossed.... ;o)

    Thanks, Catrin!
    Happy weekend to you...

  12. My vice is leather (which sounds MUCH worse than it is). I keep picking up leather scraps from the scrap store and then never making anything with them! Cute fabrics, thanks for the chance to win Catrin.

  13. My vice is Candy Crush and Pet Rescue!! Lol. Thanks for the chance, best wishes from Argentina ♥

    1. OMG, look at the time, over here is 9:15 pm!
