Thursday, 30 January 2014

A finish, a small finish, but a finish none the less!

What's this? Catrin linking up with more that a millisecond to go? Well, wonders will never cease ;-)

Back at the start of the month I set myself the goal of piecing a quilt back for Ella's quilt and getting the binding ready to go.

I'd already cut my fabrics so I have no idea why I'd been putting it off for so long! I sat down on Monday night and after an hour I'd pieced the blocks...

....all five of them!

And another two hours later I had a completed quilt back...

Winter - I leave in the dark, I get home in the dark. I take awful pictures that I should be ashamed to share
......and even some scrappy binding

You can see the colours a little better here.
I wonder what my goal for February will be?

Linking up with Shanna and Melissa for ALYoF


  1. Way to go Catrin! Love the pieced back.

  2. Wonderful, and don't forget small finishes can lead to big ones!

  3. Lovely, Catrin, and even with low lighting we get a good impression of some wonderful work ;-)

  4. A month for 5 whole blocks, huh? Glad you got to them in the end though :oD

  5. Congrats on the finish. It looks great :)

  6. isn't it amazing what we can actually get done when we make ourselves do it?! congratulations.


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