Thursday, 30 May 2013

The weekend that doesn't end - Part 2

So, I don't know if you've realised but I can go on a bit.....

So I'm going to try and write less words and post more pictures (a picture paints a thousand words?) for one post at least.

I know that it's now Thursday but we really did have a fabulous time.


After the boot sale we made our way to a seaside village around 20 minutes from home. And were met by Marged and Dadi -

Marged's first dip in seawater - she loved it of course!
It was a beautiful day
And we all got our feet wet!

We did the usual

Fish and Chips

and Ice Cream

and spent a lot of time smiling!
We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world - if only the sun shone a little more often....
And wait for it, the day wasn't over yet.

On the way home we stopped to pick up an old friend.

Library photo - you'll see why later
We own half (I'm not sure if it's the front half or the back half) of this 1966 Morris Minor 1000. The other half is owned by my husband's friend and Morris lives with him as we don't have a garage (and we wouldn't want Morris catching a chill would we?)

I drove him home and Anwen came along for the ride

I think Mami was going a little too fast for someone's liking!

The reason why Morris came to stay with us is so that we could attend a local vintage rally. Unfortunately Marged's car seat isn't compatable with Morris' 1960's design so her and Dadi needed to find an alternative mode of transport.

God job we have one of these
Library shot again I'm afraid.
She's a 1979 Leyland Leopard PSU3/Duple Dominant II (apparently). My husband has known her since he was three days old (although he's only owned her for a year) and she holds a very special place in his heart.

Unfortunately the unusual sunny skies of yesterday had left us and had been replaced by rain. Lots and lots of rain :-( 

So although I did get some of this done

Binding on Cara's quilt

And the girls had some fun playing on Dadi's bus
The rally was cancelled and we did this

 A lot sooner than we'd hoped.

Some more pictures of me and Anwen having some fun in Morris.

So the weekend didn't end there. In Wales we have a youth organisation called the Urdd and every year they hold a national eisteddfod. (click on the link to get a better explination of what this is) The Eisteddfod moves around every year and as it was only around 30mins from home this year we thought that we'd spend a day there.

Unfortunately Dadi couldn't come as a phone call at 7.00am confirmed that his colleague/best man/joint owner of Morris wouldn't be in work for two weeks. (WHY?)  So it was just me, Anwen, Marged, my MIL, SIL and niece!

We met lots of our heroes!
Took some funny pictures
Watched a show
And met the lady of the hour - Dona Direidi!
We even got a signed poster and all I heard on the way home was "Can I put Dona's poster on the wall in my bedroom?" and "You are going to print out the picture of me and Dona aren't you?"

And then we did some well deserved

And that was the end of our (very) long weekend.

In future I hope to keep family posts to a minimum but this weekend we did so many things that are very 'us' so I thought that it would give you a rough idea of where I'm coming from etc!

Anyway it's very late in the night early in the morning and I should be following the girls lead.

Hopefully a WIP post will come soon (and maybe even a finish!)

1 comment:

  1. You sure had a long weekend, and by all accounts packed full of lovely activities!!!


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